Friends and Family Test Information


Improving patient experience is a key priority in the Government's vision and is set out in the White Paper "Equity and Excellence". The 2012/13 Operating Framework made clear the priority for the NHS to put the patient centre-stage and to have a focus on improving patient experience:

"NHS organisations must actively seek out, respond positively and improve services in line with patient feedback. This includes acting on complaints, patient comments, local and national surveys and results from "real time" data techniques.

The national patient experience surveys should continue to be monitored and acted upon. In addition, as part of the National Standard Contract we shall expect each local organisation to carry out more frequent local patient surveys, including using "real time" data techniques, to publish the results - including data on complaints - and to respond appropriately where improvements need to be made." 

The Friends and Family Test aims to provide a simple, headline metric which, when combined with follow-up questions, can be used to drive cultural change and continuous improvements in the quality of the care received by NHS patients.

The Question

"How likely are you to recommend our practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?"

The Answers

A scale of answer options must be used from extremely unlikely to extremely likely.

Reporting Requirements

The practice will produce a monthly report and add it to the website and display using a poster in the waiting room to allow patients to read the comments and hear what we did to help improve our standards and care.

We really value you comments and would be very grateful if you could take a few seconds of your time completing the single sheet form to help complete our survey.

Please click on this link

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.