

Did you know...The Government gives this practice just £107.57 a year for each patient, whatever their health needs. That's less than the cost of a TV licence. This means we're only given 30p a day fo…

8 Jul 2024
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GP Patient Facing

Did you know...                                         The Government gives this practice just £107.57 a year for each patient, whatever their health needs. That,s less than the cost of a TV licence…

8 Jul 2024
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Saturday Appointments Available

Our Primary Care Network is committed to improving access for you.  We are now offering Saturday appointments at Rock Court Surgery, L13 2GA. Your health maters and we are here to provide accessible c…

15 Dec 2023
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Saturday Appointments Available

Our Primary Care Network is commited to improving access for you and is now offering Saturday appoinments at Rock Court Surgery.

15 Dec 2023
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GP Earnings 2023

DOVECOT HEALTH CENTRE Average earnings calculation for the year ended 31st March 2023 Declaration to be published on the practice website All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings for…

20 Mar 2023
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Babies cry, you can cope

Do you know what to do when infant crying feels overwhelming? ICON can help.

16 Jun 2022
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Monkeypox – what to look out for

Monkeypox is a rare infectious disease, but there are a number of cases in the UK – and that number is rising.

24 May 2022
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Try the NHS App

You can download and use the NHS App if you're aged 13 or over.

21 Apr 2022
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5 to 11-year-olds invited to get a COVID-19 vaccine

The NHS is inviting children aged 5 to 11 to book their COVID-19 vaccination or visit a local drop-in clinic.

6 Apr 2022
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Covid-19 spring boosters for most vulnerable

The NHS is offering spring boosters to over 75s, residents in care homes and those with weakened immune systems.

4 Apr 2022
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